God speaks, and you respond: “Now, what God is trying to say is…” NO, God is not ‘trying’ to say anything. Inherent in the word ‘try’ is the idea of ‘failure’. God cannot fail. He said what He wanted you to hear. “Well, what He meant is…” NO, God said what He meant and meant what He said. The problem is not with God the Speaker but with you the hearer.
Okay, He said it, ‘but’. Your use of the word ‘but’, indicates that you think that if God had the information you have, He would not have said what He said. How arrogant can you get?
The word ‘but’, has become our effort to escape from God. Listen to the arguments: ‘but’ I know some people who are… and they appear to be okay; ‘but’ I know some people who are… and they appear to be okay; ‘but’, I know some people and they do… and appear successful.