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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 3:58 PM

Texas, Don’t Become Crazy California

Did you know that California used to be a conservative state, more so than Texas? They had Ronald Reagan for governor. Once he wasn’t governor anymore., it started going south. San Francisco began to dictate policy. Conservatives and Christians didn’t push back. San Francisco pushed the LGBT agenda and took God out of our schools under the guise of “Freedom of Religion.”

Did you know that California used to be a conservative state, more so than Texas? They had Ronald Reagan for governor. Once he wasn’t governor anymore., it started going south. San Francisco began to dictate policy. Conservatives and Christians didn’t push back. San Francisco pushed the LGBT agenda and took God out of our schools under the guise of “Freedom of Religion.”

Good values, the Ten Commandments, we can’t have that! One of the first things the Nazis did was take prayer and God out of classrooms. Indoctrination is easier that way.Next, the governmentrun schools began turning children against their parents. Sound Familiar? The federal government should never be in our schools.

I left the school district in California nine years ago. The year before I left California, the “crazy” at the school where I worked became obvious. Regulations, such as not putting any sign that says “God Bless America” or “Merry Christmas,” was directed by the principal. Then Governor Brown, at that time, passed legislation that schools needed to start reading stories in kindergarten about LGBT. Did you know that while I lived there, we voted down samesex marriage twice? What happened to the will of the people? The majority?

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