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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 3:40 PM

ONE YEAR AFTER FIRES: County Residents Rebuild

Friday, March 17, 2022 marks a grim anniversary for many in Eastland County. In the late afternoon on that date fast moving, ferocious wild fires collectively known as the Eastland County Complex Fire - burned 54,463 acres and destroyed 158 structures overall, according to official reports. Property, livestock, and wild-life could not escape the devastation.

Friday, March 17, 2022 marks a grim anniversary for many in Eastland County. In the late afternoon on that date fast moving, ferocious wild fires collectively known as the Eastland County Complex Fire - burned 54,463 acres and destroyed 158 structures overall, according to official reports. Property, livestock, and wild-life could not escape the devastation.

Many residents in the path of the fire only had time to grasp a few items and flee the approaching flames. Often, they did not know where their final destination would be, nor what awaited them upon return.

Eastland County Deputy Sgt. Barbara Fenley gave her life in the line of duty while evacuating people in Carbon from the fire. Sgt. Fenley was well known and liked across the county. She began her law enforcement career in the City of Gorman as a patrol officer, and served as Chief of Police there until 2013 when she was appointed as a deputy for Eastland County Sheriff’s Office. She then served as a Bailiff for the Eastland County District Court.

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