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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 11:37 PM

Dedicated to Coach Delburt Schaefer of Cisco Fame

Continued from March 2, 2023 edition

Continued from March 2, 2023 edition

“We won all the games that year except one. Comanche was not as good as we were, but beat us 6 to 0. They really played over their heads and would not give up. After the game, I was congratulating their coach and he said that one of the players had died a few days before the game and the boys dedicated the game to him.”

One of the smartest players he ever coached was Lanny Fraiser. There was a special play they developed for the Ranger game, but were beating them so badly that they never used it. In a later game Coach Schaefer told QB Fraiser to run whatever play he wanted to run. This was after 2 unsuccessful attempts to get a first down or score. Schaefer looked up and QB Fraiser was running the play designed for Ranger, where the QB handed off to a back and the back threw the ball back to the QB as he went out as a receiver. Fraiser remembered the play although it had never been run in a game and it was a success.

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