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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 3:04 PM

Eastland County Judge Lifts Burn Ban

On Monday, March 6, 2023 after receiving information from other knowledgeable sources, the County Judge decided to remove the OUTSIDE BURNING BAN in Eastland County with the stipulation and request that anyone intending to plan and execute any type of outside burning, please contact EAstland County Cooperative Dispatch (254)629-1728 and their nearest fire department to notify them of the time and location of the outside burning activity, with no fire being started if there is 15 MPH wind speed or above. Please use extreme caution with any outside burning! The County Judge may rescind the Order Restricting Outdoor Burning upon a determination that the circumstances that required the Order no longer exist.

On Monday, March 6, 2023 after receiving information from other knowledgeable sources, the County Judge decided to remove the OUTSIDE BURNING BAN in Eastland County with the stipulation and request that anyone intending to plan and execute any type of outside burning, please contact EAstland County Cooperative Dispatch (254)629-1728 and their nearest fire department to notify them of the time and location of the outside burning activity, with no fire being started if there is 15 MPH wind speed or above. Please use extreme caution with any outside burning! The County Judge may rescind the Order Restricting Outdoor Burning upon a determination that the circumstances that required the Order no longer exist.

In making this announcement, the County Judge expressed his appreciation to the various fire fighters, fire departments, and all other citizens of Eastland County who cooperated so diligently in helping to alleviate the emergency condition of dangerous wild fire.

It is hereby ordered by the County Judge that the outside burning ban in Eastland County be removed, effective immediately.

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