CONGRATULATIONS TO THE LADY PANTHERS FOR AN INCREDIBLE BASKETBALL SEASON! Thank you to all of our student athletes for providing our community with the best entertainment money can buy. Getting to see our youth compete in sports is a great treat. The success of our schools in athletics and academics is a great help in maintaining our community and attracting new residents to our area. I also want to thank all of our coaches for their dedication and the extra hours they work preparing our students to be competitive. The same goes to all of our teachers. I want to thank our Superintendent and School Board for budgeting the funds to support our programs and our maintenance department for physically maintaining the facilities! We have a wonderful school district!
Our regularly scheduled Commissioners meeting is this week on Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 5:30PM. Visitors are welcome! Lets hope our coldest of weather is finished for the time being. I just as soon it stay gone for good but I know that’s improbable.
I want to remind everyone that as the weather warms up that this is a great time to start spring cleanup around the outside of your homes. If you have any exterior painting to be done it will go on and hold for a longer time if done before it gets extremely hot. The same goes for flower beds and gardens. It is time to get started on those too, past time for some things like onion sets.