settle down and be a little more consistent, but this is when you have to wear a jacket in the morning and short sleeves in the news is that it thundered in February so there are those that say we will they are wrong this year. Flowers are blooming and trees are beginning to put already producing. But again, this is Texas, and we should be used to it, have to like it.
There was a town hall meeting at the Gorman Community Center on Eastland Memorial believe there were at least 50 people there, not just
Desdemona and Carbon hospital wants to include tax purposes. This will be voted on in May as a Cisco, Ranger and Rising Star. Everyone should passes, everyone will pay is in addition to the city, county and school taxes you already pay. We have had to have an increase in our water rates due to The Upper Leon River Authority raising their rate to the city as well as a rate increase on our trash living continues to rise, retirement income will be hurt by an additional as well as homeowners rental property will have to raise rent to cover this additional expense. However, whether or not proposition, you need to vote!