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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 3:54 PM

Jackie Schlegel speaks Thursday in Cisco

Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County welcomes back Jackie Schlegel, Executive Director of Texans for Medical Freedom. She speaks Thursday, January 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Big Dam Room of the Myrtle Wilks Community Center, 1498 West I 20, Cisco.

Jackie Schlegel is mom to three young adults, including one with profound developmental disabilities and complex medical needs. Using her own experiences navigating complicated medical institutions and bureaucratic agencies, Jackie began to mentor other parents facing similar circumstances.

Seeing a need, Jackie founded and served as the Director of Communications for Connections Kids, a magazine that served as a resource guide to the families of special needs children. In 2015, modeling legislation passed in California, a Tex- as legislator filed a vaccine mandate bill that would have stripped parents of their right to informed consent when choosing what vaccines their children would receive. In response, Jackie threw her hat into the political arena. Thanks to her well-established reputation within the complex care community, Jackie was able to quickly organize other passionate parents to become effective advocates for vaccine freedom of choice in the state legislature.

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