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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:43 PM

Solid Performance by RC Men’s Cross Country

By Tommy Wells 

The Ranger College men’s cross country team had a solid performance at the NJCAA National Cross Country Championships at Pole Green Park, Virginia, this past Saturday. The RC men, led by sophomore Paul Barmao, raced their way to 15th in the men’s team standings. Barmao paced the Rangers in the 8-kilometer race, ÀQLVKLQJ WK RYHUDOO ZLWK D run of 25 minutes, 43.4 seconds. Teammate Khanya Yali also did well in the race. He OHJJHGRXWDWRSÀQLVKLQJ placing 66th with a time of 25:56.2. 9LFWRU9D]TXH]5RVDVDQG James Evetts also placed in the top 100 spots in a race that featured almost 200 of the nation’s top runners from 2-year LQVWLWXWLRQV 9D]TXH]5RVDV raced his way to 84th with a run of 16:16.5. ESammy Kiptoo and John Russell, Jr. also competed in the race for WKH5&PHQ.LSWRRÀQLVKHG 133rd at 27:14.2, while Russell was 141st at 27:31.8. Evetts was 93rd at 26:28.0. The RC men will be back in action on Tuesday for NJCAA half marathon champi

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