For more than a decade Ruth Stewart envisioned going to India to see the Taj Mahal. Little did she know that she could go on a mission trip, too. About six years ago Ruth met a lady from India at a conference. After some conversation and lunch together, the lady (Pastor Anu) invited Ruth to come to India on a mission trip. She knew that Ruth was a counselor and thought that she might be able to help some young women.
Each year that Ruth met Pastor Anu at the conference the invitation was extended again. After much prayer and consideration Ruth decided to make the trip in August, 2024. One of the outreaches that Pastor Anu had arranged in India was a fashion show with the theme “Overcoming Depression.”
Ruth made the long trip to India and was duly impressed with the fashion show. The beauty and grace of the local models exceeded her greatest expectations. There were categories for children, teens, men, and women, as well as professional models. Some psychologists and other experts gave tips for overcoming depression.