XDDOXSH OOH DOFRPE RI RUPD 7HDV IRUPHUO RI Chicago, Illinois, passed DDRXJXV in Eastland, Texas.
Ellen was born on XJXV Chicago, Illinois, and also OH ,DD EHIRUH moving to Texas in the V OOH DV UXO PXO talented and would tackle just about any task placed EHIRUH KHU URP VHUJ as a jailer at both the Comanche County and UDK RX DOV R ORJKDXO UXFJ K KHU KXVED HD R RRJDVHFRKD IXUXUHVRUHRRUJ DKHRDHIRXU or being a hair stylist, her work ethic and eclectic DXUH HUH UHHFH the numerous occupations she pursued through the years.
Ellen was a very creative person who was constantly inventing new SURMHFV IRU KHUVHOI D pursuing new hobbies.
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