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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:54 PM

From the Gorman Mayor

I updated you last week on the progress of City projects but, since then the water tower was inspected and requires some additional welding on the inside of the tower where the top is attached. This means any exterior painting of our logo will probably be delayed. We were hoping it would be completed by the Peanut Festival but that is unlikely now.

I still encourage everyone to keep their yards mowed. It is extremely dry and a well cared for lawn will help protect your home. It will also help to keep your yard clear of STUFF. Think about the possibility of decide whether or not the stuff in your house and in your yard would feed a access to your home!

Thursday at 5:30pm our regular meeting of our Commissioners was held in the Community Center. We held a public heating prior to the meeting concerning a property to be condemned. The owner did not attend. There was some discussion about the condition of the property and the need for its condemnation and then the hearing ended. The Commissioners meeting was then called to order after the opening prayer and the Pledges. The minutes from previous meetings were then approved as was the paying of the bills. The only citizen forum discussion was regarding the number of families our Food Bank is serving and that the Food Bank in Eastland had closed. The Commissioners next took action unanimously to formally condemn the property in question on South Fisher Street. The department heads then presented their reports. The Commission then, after much discussion, of Ordinance 2024-0905 Levying taxes for the October 1, 2024. The Commission then went into executive session to discuss the resignation of a city employee and the reasons for the resignation. Upon returning to open session no action was taken. The Commissioners then adjourned.

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