Eastland County Retired Teachers met Monday, March 11 at Judge Scott Bailey Center, Eastland. President Gail Norris welcomed members and visitors. She then introduced Nancy Robinson Masters, author, who told of her journey into writing children’s books. Her presentation was in conjunction with E.C.R.T’s annual book drive. Books from E.C.R.T. are presented annually on a rotating basis to elementary schools in Cisco, Eastland, Gorman, Ranger, and Rising Star.
Nancy Masters’ books were on display and she spoke of the workshops she now provides in staff development, of the between 40-45 books she has written, and of the 427,000 children ashe has talked to from around the globe. She always encourages children telling them that “if you can write, you have power.”
Next, Cathy Gliding intorudced Delta Kappa Gamma State President, Bonnie Moore, who spoke of the importance of this woman’s society which fosters growth and development for teachers in training and current teachers through scholarships. Other monies are provided for educational opportunities in 17 countries. Membership was encouraged.