Slowpoke Farm has been gardening, chemical free, in Eastland county for over 20 years. After selling at farmer’s markets for 15 years, and running a small restaurant in Cisco for 5 years, Kerry and Joy Hedges have slowed things down a notch. While they have downsized the farm, they still enjoy sharing their experiences and ‘lessons learned’ with others.
‘People are always asking us questions about how to garden in this area,’ says Joy. They either have very specific questions or are just beginning and want to know where to start. This class is designed to help everyone with gardening in this area. The class is Sunday, February 25th at 2:00 p.m. It will be held at the Myrtle Wilks Community Center on IH 20, in Cisco. It is free to everyone and reservations are not needed.
A recent facebook post asked folks what questions they were hoping Kerry would talk about. The responses were spot on and included topics like: amending your soil, controlling weeds, compost, best plants for this area, watering, raise bed grading, controlling pests, fertilizing, etc.