I am ready for Spring! How about you? I am not a cold weather person, never have been, never will be. I know we gripe about the 100 degree weather but I prefer it to freezing. I hope you all have had a warm, dry place to be this winter. It is an exciting time for Gorman! I have several things to tell you.
First, our new generator installation at City Hall and the Community Center is complete. This will give us a place for city employees and citizens to gather in times of emergency that will maintain heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. We also now have a portable generator too that may be used to power our sewer lift stations and to the City Shop facility so that local services may continue even in emergencies.
Our Library will be closed for the month of February for renovations. There will be new book shelves, new carpet, and some painting. We will also be having a book sale by donations at our second catered Senior Luncheon at the Community Center on February 14th and the following day. All proceeds will go to the Library for books or furnishings.