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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 12:47 PM


As the Postmaster of Gorman, I am excited to let our community know of several significant updates that will enhance service and ensure a seamless experience for our customers during the upcoming holiday season: No Holiday Surcharges — There will be no additional surcharges for Postal Service customers for holiday packages or mail and there will be no additional fees for residential area delivery, for Saturday delivery or for minimum volumes. USPS will continue to be the most affordable way to mail and ship this holiday season.

Re: Postmaster’s Re-port – Readiness For The 2023 Holiday Season

As the Postmaster of Gorman, I am excited to let our community know of several significant updates that will enhance service and ensure a seamless experience for our customers during the upcoming holiday season: No Holiday Surcharges — There will be no additional surcharges for Postal Service customers for holiday packages or mail and there will be no additional fees for residential area delivery, for Saturday delivery or for minimum volumes. USPS will continue to be the most affordable way to mail and ship this holiday season.

Utilizing 348 New Package Sorting Machines — Since the beginning of 2021, USPS has installed 348 new package processing machines nationwide and expanded our daily package processing capacity to an industry-leading 70 million packages. This is part of a $40 billion invest-ment in new technology and facilities under our Delivering for America plan.

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