Ryder Warren, new EEDI Executive Director, was guest speaker at the Eastland Civic League and Garden Club’s September meeting.
Director Warren was introduced by Vice-President Kristi Holman, who presided over the meeting. Ms. Holman began the meeting with an inspirational quote and Bible verse from Isaiah. Guests and members enjoyed a salad luncheon provided by club members.
Warren mentioned that he comes from Sundown, a town in West Texas, but has always had close ties to the Eastland area. His father graduated in 1956 from Eastland High School and his mother from Ranger HS in 1960, he said. Warren and his wife are former classroom teachers and athletic coaches and he is a retired school administrator. Warren emphasized that a school district is the most important asset any community has and it is imperative that local schools are supported by the community. He added that Eastland has an outstanding school district.