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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 1:55 AM

Ranger Independent School District Board Agenda

Ranger ISD Administration Building 1842 Loop 254 East Ranger, Texas 76470 Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Board of Education of Ranger Independent School District was held on August 31, 2023 at 5:15 p.m. in the board conference room of the administration office located at 1842 Loop 254 East in Ranger, Texas. At that meeting, the Board may deliberate or act on any of the subjects listed on the following agenda. The President may change the order of items listed below for the convenience of the board. The Board may enter closed meeting to seek the advice and counsel of its attorney at any time during the meeting under the authority of Texas Government Code §551.071 regarding any item listed on the agenda of this meeting or in order for the attorney to provide legal assistance or advice to the Board.

Ranger ISD Administration Building 1842 Loop 254 East Ranger, Texas 76470 Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Board of Education of Ranger Independent School District was held on August 31, 2023 at 5:15 p.m. in the board conference room of the administration office located at 1842 Loop 254 East in Ranger, Texas. At that meeting, the Board may deliberate or act on any of the subjects listed on the following agenda. The President may change the order of items listed below for the convenience of the board. The Board may enter closed meeting to seek the advice and counsel of its attorney at any time during the meeting under the authority of Texas Government Code §551.071 regarding any item listed on the agenda of this meeting or in order for the attorney to provide legal assistance or advice to the Board.

1. Establish Quorum 2. Call to Order 3. Invocation and Pledges 4. Recognition of Visitors 5. Citizen Input 6. Amend 2022-2023 Budget 7. Adopt a Budget for 2023-2023 School Year 8. Adopt a Tax Rate 9. Closed Session 9.1 Tex Gov’t Code Section 551.074-Discuss administrative personnel 9.2 Tex Gov’t Code Section 551.074 - Discuss certified personnel 9.3 Tex Gov’t Code Section 551.074 - Discuss non-certified personnel 9.4 Open Session Action, if any, related to closed personnel deliverations above.

10. Adjournment Donald Hughes, Interim Superintendent

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