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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 12:29 AM


HV O’Brien

Aug. 3, 1963 - Let’s see... there is something about that date? Let me think! Something must come to remembrance, oh yes, that’s a birthday reminder... not mine... I’ve about run out of dates... Oh yes, now I remember 60 years ago on this date, something really important occurred-- What was it! Oh yeah-- that’s the day this editor became a father-- how could one forget that.

It was on the date a little bundle of joy (you know the event)... Gay-Nell (with the help of EMH) delivered a bright young bundle--and we named him Vance-- and our world hasn’t been the same since Siebert Elementary, EHS, Hardin Simmons, Cowboy Band, UT Med School, etc. etc. and the world continued spinning, but it was somehow different...

J.W. Sitton, publisher at the time, put out a special edition for the occasion... My, how time has flown and along came his sister to join the family-- and what a another special JOY... She looked up to big brother and still does- now they both look after their dad.

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