First Baptist Church in Gorman has a new preacher, Toy Holt! Toy and his family have settled into the parsonage. He and his wife Beth have two children Nolan and Isabella. Pastor Holt is bi-vocational. He has a fulltime job at Gorman Milling.
Pastor Holt will usually have office hours Monday through Thursday from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Pastor Holt is not brand new to FBC Gorman. He has been the youth Pastor for a few years. We are very excited about the leadership he brings to the position and are looking forward to being more involved in our community.
Pastor Holt is an engaging, motivational preacher! He follows scripture and is focused on furthering the Kingdom of God! You are invited to join us Sundays at 9:45am for Sunday School and 11:00am for worship. We have a prayer group that meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm to pray for the needs and concerns facing specific church members, others outside the church that have requested prayer, our country, county, city, and other various areas needing prayer.