Rain, Rain, Rain, isn’t it wonderful! Yards are looking great! Lakes are on the rise and most of the tanks I see are full. I hope it continues so we have plenty to last us through the summer this year!
Along with the rain comes the responsibility of everyone to empty out anything on your property where mosquitoes could thrive. We will be spraying for mosquitoes this year, but we need everyone’s helping to control the numbers. We also need everyone’s help keeping up with yards that need to be mowed. I don’t know about you, but I am mowing my yard every week almost. Rain followed by sunshine does great things for a yard and weeds!
Please remember that the city has a website: www.thecityofgorman. com. You can find the agendas, ordinances, and other useful information there. If you have a question about anything, please email me at: gormanmayor@ yahoo.com I will do my best to address any concerns you have or call the city office.